Homesteading is simply a way of life. It can consist of growing a personal garden or raising chickens to cut down on your food bills, it can be how to prepare and cook meals, make your own soaps and candles, store food for the long term, sewing, keeping bees, etc.
About 30 years ago, this was taught in every high school in America. And it was mandatory to take at least one semester of it. Now it has been replaced with other classes that are more academic based. Some people have no clue how to cook anything except in a microwave. Most meals are eaten out.
We are bringing it back in step by step instructions. We want you to be self sufficient, be able to take care or yourself and your family, regardless if there is an emergency or not. Money is tight, so we need to make ends meet. And some of these skills may open new doors for you in a side business gig.
Raising Chickens: Chicken Essentials
Supplemental Foods
Buying Chickens
Vertical Herb Garden
Preserving Foods